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Article: Do Not Disturb: How I Ditched my Phone and Unbroke My Brain

Article: Is Video Gaming a New Addiction?

Published in the October 10, 2018, issue of Oakland Magazine. Written by Andrea A. Firth. This summer, the WHO issued a new mental health classification: Gaming Disorder. But what constitutes too much video gaming?

Article: Finding it Hard to Focus? Maybe it's not your Fault.

Article by Casey Schwartz, published 8/14/18 in the New York Times discusses the affect of the constant pull on our attention from technology. 

Article: France bans smartphone use in schools

By Makena Kelly  Published in The Verge Aug 1, 2018: Many French students will have their social media scrolling forcibly ended during school hours this upcoming year, after French lawmakers voted to ban smartphone use in schools.

Article: Microsoft executive considers it a responsibility to help you unplug

By Hayley Tsukayama, published in the Washington Post 8/2/18:

Corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Modern Life and Devices team, Yusuf Mehdi, discusses the responsibility of technology companies to think about how the products they make affect the lives of the people that buy them.

By Erik Johnson, published in the New York Times, 6/17/18: The recent statement by the World Health Organization, saying video game players can actually become addicted, may help legitimize worries about video game fans who neglect other parts of their lives. It could also make gamers more willing to seek treatment, encourage more therapists to provide it and increase the chances that insurance companies would cover it.

Article: This simple solution to smartphone addiction is now used in over 600 U.S. schools

by Tara Bahrampour, Published 2/5/18 in the Washington Post:  

Graham Dugoni reminds people what it’s like to live phone-free

Article: Have Smart Phones Destroyed a Generation?

From The Atlantic, 9/2017 issue.

Article: Why We Can’t Look Away From Screens

From the New York Times 3/6/2017

Article: Gaming Disorder Revives Debate Over What Constitutes an Addiction

 The new “gaming disorder” classification from the World Health Organization revives a debate in the medical community about whether behaviors can cause the same kind of addictive illness as drugs. 

Article: Writing New Rules for Video Game Addiction

The World Health Organization's recent designation of video game addiction as a medical condition may make treatment more accessible.

Website: Screenagers Movie / Tech Talk Tuesdays

This website presents information and ideas for parents about managing their children's screen time and use.

Article: Study Shows Less Smart Phone Time Equals Happier Teens

A new study shows a precipitous drop in the happiness, self-esteem and life satisfaction of American teens as their ownership of smartphones has increased.

Article: Why Teens Aren't Partying Anymore

​Presents what teens say is the reason they don't socialize much any more.  The article presents excerpts from the book, "Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood—and What That Means for the Rest of Us," by Jean M. Twenge, PhD. Copyright © 2017.  Reprinted by permission of ATRIA BOOKS, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Article: Can’t Stand Strong When we Lean on Apps

By Kevin Frazier


Damian Dovarganes / Associated Press 2015

Shared from the 2018-01-12 San Francisco Chronicle eEdition

OPEN FORUM On Technology and Democracy

Article: "A Parent Guide to Teens, Technology, and Social Media"

This article appeared on the website of Karen Hamilton Therapy.

Article: "Internet Addiction a Very Real Struggle for Young Americans"

This article was published in The Washington Post on May 20, 2016.

Article: "When Steve Jobs Was a Low Tech Parent"

This article appeared in The New York Times on September 11, 2014.

Video: Teens Explain the New Rules of Social Media

Features a teen DJ explaining the new rules of social media.

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If a program, school or other resource appears on this site, it is not a recommendation.  Conversely, if a program, school or resource is omitted, it does not mean it is not a good program. What is a fine program for one child/family, may not work for another child/family and the opposite is true as well.  

The information contained on this site is provided by parents, not professionals, and is meant as a starting point for parents with struggling children.  We recommend consulting therapists, psychiatrists, and other professionals to guide you in the placement of your child.

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